gate city growlers

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We acknowledge the lands in Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham Counties were once home to the Keyauwee and Saura tribes.
Gate City Growlers is a family-owned bottle shop and taproom in Greensboro, NC. Our vision is one of community: we want everyone to feel comfortable here, whether you’re a huge beer head or somebody who just wants a great cold beverage in even better company. Greensboro has changed so much these last couple decades. What we hope to build on and protect is the heart of Gate City. We believe the people who work here should be able to live here, that the people who make this city what it is deserve to be celebrated. We believe the people who create and serve beer, whose passion and creativity make craft beer possible, are important. We also recognize music, art, and community organizing all have long legacies in this city. We want Gate City Growlers to be a place where people come together and try a new beer, share and discover music, shoot the shit with strangers, bring ideas to fruition, and hang out with the people they love.
We acknowledge the lands in Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham Counties were once home to the Keyauwee and Saura tribes.